Pangu Will Release Their iOS 9.2 – 9.3.3 Jailbreak Very Soon! [Jailbreak Status Update]


pangu 9.2

It’s finally official. The Pangu jailbreak team will be releasing their jailbreak for iOS 9.2 to 9.3.3 “very soon”! After the long wait since the last jailbreak, the time is finally here. If you head over to right now you will see that the jailbreak is coming soon for 64-bit devices.

As far as we can tell this is an untethered jailbreak which is compatible with iPhone 5s and up. This does unfortunately not work with the iPhone 5 or 5c, so if you are using one of those devices, i’m afraid you’re out of luck.

Pangu tweeted this morning saying that the jailbreak would be released “very soon” and that everyone needs to “be patient”. A lot of excitement has no doubt arisen within the jailbreak community after seeing this tweet.

As soon as the jailbreak is officially released, I will be a full guide on how to jailbreak your device on YouTube and on this website. Subscribe on YouTube to be notified when the guide is available.

Video Explanation:


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