Download iOS 13.4.5 Beta 2 for Free (IPSW Direct Download Links & Over the Air Profile)


It’s Wednesday and Apple has just released a new beta version of iOS to developers. iOS 13.4.5 beta 2 has just been released, which includes some minor new features. Also included will be bug fixes and minor changes from the previous version. Anyone can download and install it right now by downloading the IPSW file and installing it with iTunes (see how here).

iPhone Download Links

iPad Download Links

iPod touch Download Link

Over The Air Profile

For instructions on how to install iOS 13 beta on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad without having a paid developer account or UDID activation click here.

Check out the iOS 13 section of the website for more information about iOS 13.

ALSO SEE: How to Install iOS 13.0 Beta for Free (No UDID Activation)


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